Tomaso prosciutto - Istria - Croatia
looking for importers in the EU
Tomaso prosciutto, was created on the basis of tradition and professional development. Our homemade meat products are processed in the prosciutto factory.
Production is limited to better monitor product quality.
All products are hand-processed and smoke-free, preserved exclusively with sea salt and pepper without the addition of flavor enhancers and artificial spices.
We produce:
Istrian prosciutto - a dry-cured meat product from pork leg, without feet, skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, with the pelvic bone. Dry-cured with sea salt and spices, air-dried and smoke-free, subjected to drying and maturing processes for at least 18 months.
Istrian pancetta - a durable cured meat product produced from the belly of the pork. It is dried for a minimum of three months in smoke-free air. Preserved with sea salt, pepper, bay leaves and garlic, rosemary.
Istrian sausages, fresh, semi-dry and dry - a high proportion of meat and less fat. The mixture added to the meat contains: sea salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic, rosemary and wine.
Pork loin (ombolo or žlomprt) fresh, semi-dry and dry - made from boneless pork loin. The meat is fat-free preserved with a mixture of sea salt, pepper, bay leaf and rosemary.
The products have received many awards by professionals for their quality.
Pršutarna Tomaso
Pršutarna Tomaso, nastala je temeljem tradicije i profesionalnog usavršavanja. U pršutarni obrađuje se meso domaće kvalitete.
Proizvodnja je ograničena radi boljeg praćenja kvalitete proizvoda.
Svi proizvodi ručno su obrađeni i bez dima, konzervirani isključivo sa morskom soli i paprom bez dodataka pojačivača okusa i umjetnih začina.
U našoj pršutarni proizvodimo:
Istarki pršut - trajni suhomesnati proizvod od svinjskog buta bez nogice, kože i potkožnog masnog tkiva sa zdjeličnom kosti. Suho salamuren morskom soli i začinima, sušen na zraku i bez dima, podvrgnut procesima sušenja i zrenja u trajanju od najmanje 18 mjeseci.
Istarska panceta – trajni suhomesnati proizvod proizveden od potrbušine svinjskog mesa. Suši se minimalno tri mjeseca na zraku bez dima. Konzerviran sa morskom solju, paprom, lovorom i češnjakom, ružmarinom.
Istarske kobasice, svježe, polu suhe i suhe – visok udio mesa i manje masnoće. Smjesa koja se dodaje u meso sadrži: sol, papar, lovor, češnjak, ružmarin, vino.
Zarebnjak (ombolo ili žlomprt) svježi, polu suhi i suhi – napravljen od svinjskog mesa (las kare). Meso je bez masnoće konzervirano smjesom morske soli, paprom, lovorom i ružmarinom.